Dark Stories Crimson Shroud Walkthrough
Go to the right and into the police station. Go through the left door then through the room inside. Pick up the bottle of liquid to the left of the computer and the sedative pills on the table. |
Go back out to the main street with the bar and pawn shop. Talk to the man with the sign again. He will take the pills. Talk to him again and he'll say he wants the president to see his letter. Tap the yellow mailbox on the left to get his letter.
Dark Stories Crimson Shroud Walkthrough
Go to the police station and through the right door. Pick up the official stamp, and combine the stamp with the letter in your inventory. |
Go back to the guy with the stamped letter, then go into the bar. Talk to the bartender.
Go to the police station and through the left door. Talk to the girl. Go to the bar and talk to the bartender. Go into the VIP room and through the back door. Talk to the cop. Pick up the gas station lever on the ground. Tap the box to get a wallet (purse in game). Pick up the old rag near the bottom left side. Tap the guy's left hand to get a bloody piece of paper, then tap the guy's right hand to get his watch. Talk to the cop again. Proceed to the next Dark Stories Bloody Night Crimson Shroud walkthrough page! Hit like if the Dark Stories Bloody Night Crimson Shroud walkthrough helped you! Thanks :) |