Escape Quest Level 10 Walkthrough:
Take the ice on the plate. Take the spring + button on the right counter. Tap below the two smaller middle cabinets above the counter. Take the knife. Open the big purple cabinet and take the toaster light. |
Put the ice into the microwave, then the button onto where it's missing.
Tap the red buttons in the correct order so they all light up: bottom left, right middle, bottom right, top left, left middle, top right. Take the key. |
Escape Quest Level 10 Walkthrough:
Unlock the top left cabinet and take the battery and bread. Use the knife on the bread. Put the toaster button onto the toaster. Put the bread inside, then tap it again. You'll see the number 1356 on the bread. Get the blue key that pops out too. |
Open the thin long cabinet above the grey box.
Take the battery. Put the batteries into the clock next to the door. Enter the number 1356 to open the door. Proceed to the next Escape Quest level! Hit like if the Escape Quest Level 10 walkthrough helped you! Thanks :) |