Escape the Room Epidemics Level 1 Guide
Take cloth on left far bed. Take knife under right close bed. Use knife to cut curtain on left. You'll get yellow 5. Look at left close bed for green 6. |
Take blue bottle in trash pile in corner near blood. Use cloth to clean blood. Remember colors green blue red yellow.
Escape the Room Epidemics Level 1 Guide
Go to locked hatch with four circles and enter colors green blue red yellow. Remember red 4. Take pitchfork next to hatch. Use it to drop the canned food on box above hatch. Look at it on the ground and open it to see the blue 8. |
Go to the box attached to the empty blood bag. Put the blue liquid inside. Take the keycard.
Go to door and enter numbers 6 (3rd spot) and 5 (4th), then 4 (1st), then 8 (2nd). Put keycard in slot to open it. Proceed to the next level! Hit like if the guide helped you! Thanks :) |