Drag all the objects blocking you away to the right.
Use the statue to break the table.
Select the paperclip from your inventory. Tap on each door, then try to use the paperclip on the keyhole.
When you find the keyhole that the paperclip goes into, keep pushing it to the left into the keyhole. You might have to drag it up, left, and downwards to get it in. Eventually the paperclip will go all the way into the keyhole and the door will unlock. Turn the doorknob to open it.
Open the dressers and closets and take out all the clothes. Tap the pillow a couple times and a diamond will appear. Pick up the diamond.
Go to the window and trace circles on the window with the diamond until you make a hole.
Climb up by grabbing the next ledge. If there is ice, tap it repeatedly to thaw it so you can grab it.
You can also grab parts of the ship that is ripped open as well as the wire at the top. Return to the main Escape the Titanic page or proceed to the next page!